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Beauty & Fashion

Summer Swimsuit Lookbook-

                    ft. Forever 21 & Torrid

Septum In, Cartilage Out

Let's Talk About Makeup

Alright, Lovelies. It's time to talk about the big 'M' word. You know what I'm talking about- makeup. As of late, makeup and beauty products have come under fire, being accused of altering one's image and/or likeness to where the person no longer looks like themselves. It's time to set the record straight.


Just a quick disclamer for those of you who don't know, I am an avid and firm believer in makeup. I wear some sort of makeup or beauty product just about everyday. Why? Quite frankly, because I want to. Sure, I'm sure there is some sort of social construct has been programmed into me since my arrival on this planet about how women should wear makeup because it makes them look better, but that's not what I'm talking about here. I'm talking about what makeup does for me. Just me, not anyone else. Let's begin the Love, Heldie breakdown.


First and foremost, makeup makes me feel like a badass. Nothing gets me more riled up for the day than rocking a red lipstick and winged eyeliner. Not saying I don't feel pretty shweet without makeup, but an occassional boost of awesome is appreciated. Also, I get less of those wonderful side comments about how tired I look when I have some form of makeup on. Secondly, makeup gives me eyebrows. Not that mine don't exist, but when you come from a stock of fair-faced people who have a nasty habit of passing on blonde eyebrows, it is quite nice to occassionally have some definition.


Furthermore, makeup does enhance your natural features. Not all of us are Beyonce and wakeup #FLAWLESS. Makeup isn't about faking it until you make it, it's about working with what your mama gave you and amping it up a little bit. Now, I'm no stunner, but I have some facial features I'm rather partial to. Without makeup, my most precious face gems would not be at the appropriate level of YAS.










Of course, makeup does have its downs. It's expensive, for one thing. It is hard enough trying to find the appropriate shade of foundation for fair skin, let alone fair sensitive skin and those can get pretty pricey. Makeup is messy. I don't know how many times I have applied my concealer and then somehow managed to get it on my shirt or suffered dreaded fall-out from a shimmery eye shadow. If done right, makeup can take a bit of time. No one wants harsh lines on their jaw bone and the best way to avoid that is to take your time.


All in all, makeup is one of my favorite things to do for myself. It totally defines my persona for the day. On Monday, I may be a bit grunge with a purple lip and smudged eyes, while on Tuesday I'm keeping it simple with chapstick and mascara. It just depends on my mood. Lipstick, primers, and powders may be a hassle and can explode in your luggage if you aren't careful, but something that makes you feel more you cannot possibly be that bad.












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