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DIY: The Heldie Saga

What's not to like about free stuff?!
Galaxy Purse Refashion

I love glitter. And galaxy print. Studs, too. Oh! Don't forget black. Definitely black! This was one of my first and very favorite DIYs. All you need is a purse, fabric paint in blue, red, yellow, white, and green. Glitter fabric paint is also a must. The only thing you need now are your fingers. Just put some paint to purse and swirl it around until you get your desired galxy print!

Men's Tie Wristlet

Tie + Sewing = MAGIC

Need a wristlet, but don't wanna buy one? Sew your own! This is not my original DIY, but I did get it from a lovely site called Simply Step Back. Just click on the link and sew to your heart's desire!

Chic Gloves

Grab that hot glue glue gun, some left over vintage lace and buttons, and those cheap cotton gloves from Walmart because we're making them FABULOUS! Seriously, all you have to do is take your glue gun and stick buttons everywhere! You can even take off the tips off and burn the edges so they don't fray. It's all up to you! 

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