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The Cellular Chronicles: Part One

Monday, April 13, 2015

9:24 PM

Day 1

Love, Heldie Log:

Well, I think I've sufficiently survived one full day of not having a phone. I may be dying a little bit on the inside, but I am surviving. I never realized how difficult it is not to have a phone, unable to be connected to someone constantly. It's kind of nice. The separation and silence from the constant buzzing of Facebook notifications, text messages, and Instagram likes.

Who am I kidding? This crap sucks! I have no idea what's going on, I keep reaching in my pocket like an idiot, thinking I have a text message. I have my laptop with me constantly, which, when added in with at least three textbooks, is definitely giving me scoliosis. I keep my Facebook open at all times, practically praying for the ding! of a Facebook message. I now frequent Netflix, not that I didn't before, but now I'm a junkie (I may have finished an entire season of Glee in a day).

I think I'm becoming a hermit. I don't want to leave my room because I feel that once I do, I'll have absolutely no connection to the outside world. Which is absolutely ridiculous, considering I am actually going outside and seeing people. What is wrong with me? It's actually kind of sad. I feel like I can't trust that I will see people where I always do unless I text them first. My dependence on a cell phone is quite astounding.

Seriously, I do everything on my phone. I avoid awkward pauses in a conversation by texting someone on my phone. I hold heated debates on why there is no burrito emojii (they have fruit emojiis; who cares about those?). I pass judgment on Yaks from Truman's Yik Yak... How can I do any of those things without a phone? More importantly, how am I supposed to wake up in the morning without a cell phone screaming "Heat of the Moment" by my ear?!

Everyone underestimates the power of having an alarm clock on their cell phone. When we climb into bed, we just swipe across, setting it to the 'On' position, and continue refreshing our Twitter feed until 3:00 AM. Try having that taken away from you and having to use an actual alarm clock that, when it goes off in the morning, causes you to have a heart attack and slam your forehead onto the bars holding your roommate's bunked bed because you think it's a fire alarm and you know you're wearing clothes totally not suitable to be seen out in public in.

If Bill Murray (^^^^if you don't know who Bill Murray is, I suggest you click the red 'X' positioned in the right-hand corner of your web page) just isn't quite summing up how I feel about this whole 'no phone' thing, maybe this will.

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